Jane Iredale announces student competition finalists

Published 19th May 2015 by PB Admin
Jane Iredale announces student competition finalists

Mineral make-up brand Jane Iredale has announced the finalists of its student make-up artist competition, who will compete for the title next month in London.

Six girls are left in the running for the competition. They are Lauren Davidson and Jessica Hamilton, both from Hartlepool College, Stephanie Easton of Fife College, Stephanie Bowring from Leicester College, Veronika Holomanova of Bedford College and Nadine Grant from Forth Valley College.

All six finalists will be treated to an expenses-paid trip to London to take part in advanced training, before competing in the final which will take place on June 15 at The Savoy hotel in London.

Last year’s winner Joanna Davis said, “Since winning the competition I have worked on many photo shoots, music videos and films, and my first major feature film begins shooting in the summer. Winning definitely helped me as it impressed prospective film directors. I love the film industry and this is what I am going to pursue.”

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 19th May 2015

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