Millions of middle-aged Brits get no exercise

Published 24th Aug 2017 by PB Admin
Millions of middle-aged Brits get no exercise

More than 6 million middle-aged Brits are failing to do even a limited amount of brisk walking in a month, according to new figures from Public Health England.

Research carried out by Public Health England (PHE) revealed that 6.3 million Brits between the age of 40 and 60 struggle to fit in even a fast 10-minute walk into their schedule every month.

The findings also showed that Brits walk 15 miles less a year than they did 20 years ago, and are 20% less active now than they were in the 1960s.

PHE is currently rolling out the One You campaign, encouraging all adults to make time for “10 minutes of continuous brisk walking” every day, as a tool to improve health.

Today’s sedentary lifestyle means many adults fail to do even a moderate amount of exercise. Research has demonstrated that walking just 10 minutes a day at a fast pace can help reduce the risk of early death by 15%.

Government guideline advises Brits to do at least 150 minutes of “moderate to vigorous” exercise every week.

PHE highlights that following this advice can help reduce the risk of developing conditions such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia and certain types of cancer.

Dr Jenny Harries, deputy medical director at PHE, said: “I know first hand that juggling the priorities of everyday life often means exercise takes a back seat.

“Walking to the shops instead of driving or going for a brisk 10 minute walk on your lunch break each day can add many healthy years to your life.”

The One You campaign includes the free Active 10 app, which monitors walking time and intensity and aims to help people build more walking into their daily lives.


PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 24th Aug 2017

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