Nail techs: how to be a social media pro

Having a social media strategy is vital if you want to become one of the biggest nail techs out there. Tinu Bello, founder and chief executive of Colour Riot Nails, reveals four ways you can boost your profile on Facebook and Instagram.
Which social media platforms should I be on?
“In this day and age everything is visual, so Instagram would be my number one recommendation. It’s a good platform to showcase your skills and talents,” says Bello.
“Facebook is ideal if you’re looking to further your business. It’s good because you can add your ‘Book now’ button so clients can make appointments with you through the platform and you can link your website to the page. It’s a good one to generate clients and run promotions.”
How do I create the perfect nailfie?
“It’s all about lighting. You need to either find a space with really good natural light or you can invest in making or buying a lightbox,” explains Bello.
“Angles are also key. You need to make sure the hands are positioned well to showcase all your skills. A no-no is the claw, that’s so back in the day. I would try and position [your client’s hands] as straight as possible [and overlapping].”
Which hashtags work?
“Always hashtag nails and your location. It also helps to be quite descriptive with your hashtags because what you’ll find is when people are looking for something specific, they will put a certain hashtag in. For example, say you did nails with a palm tree on it, it would be good to hashtag #palmtreenails,” says Bello.
“Also, try to think outside the box and hashtag people or things that would normally use nails. I like to hashtag the fashion industry or fashion photography because with fashion goes nails.”
What content should go on my grid compared to my stories?
“Instagram has loads of ways in which you can promote your pictures and posts so that you can access a larger audience – so invest in that. [On our Instagram] feed are pictures of our nail work – so good images of the nails my girls have done, while quirky, behind-the-scenes salon stuff is what we post on our stories,” explains Bello.
“We try and show you our work, professionalism and perfection, as well as the fun side of us.”
For more helpful advice and tips, visit Professional Beauty’s YouTube page.
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