5 luxury manicurists to follow

Published 22nd May 2024

From prescriptive treatments that take into account the health of the whole hand to adding designer scrubs and perfumes for extra value, these five techs take manicures to the next level

Faye Louise Dennis
Instagram @fayelouisedennis 111k

While she is nicknamed “Baby Faye” in the industry for being relatively young, this does not take away from nail tech Faye Louise Dennis’s evolved business brain. If you mention clean, luxury or prescriptive manis, they are likely to be mentioned in the same breath as Dennis.

She has recently started educating other techs, offering private “perfection training” for those who want to get their manicures as precise as hers.

Painted by Jools
Instagram @paintedbyjools 81k

Julia Diogo, aka Jools, is known for her perfectly primped and primed manicures. As an international manicurist, she gets flown all over the world to care for the hands of celebrity and VIP clients. Jools’s feed is a mixture of stunning nail stills and lifestyle imagery. The nail artist has now started to include skin and make-up content too.

Samantha Haste -Print By Sam
Instagram @printbysam 106k

Samantha Haste describes herself as “your nail big sister”, and indeed she is a must-follow for any tech, especially those wanting to perfect the ultimate luxury precision manicure. Haste is a content expert for The Gel Bottle but uses a lot of other brands too. The Nail Dates is an online community that Haste launched, which allows technicians to learn technique, content creation and mindset from her and other expert manicurists.

Lucy Rose Nails
Instagram @lucyrosenails 854

Daughter of nail industry veteran Belinda Price, Lucy Price has become a bit of a serial competition winner in the past few years, regularly frequenting the floors of nail competitions like Scratch and those held by us at the Professional Beauty shows. As an OPI educator, Price’s feed is also full of tips and tricks to get the ultimate precision manicure, such as how to use an e-file to soften the skin around the cuticle.

Emma Jackson
Instagram @emmajacksonnailartist 87.3k

Emma Jackson’s nail content is so therapeutic to watch that you almost forget how educational it is. Her work stands out from the others in this list for the bluntness and precision of the free edge of her manicures – even when working on the shortest nails. As an educator, she talks about the importance of product placement and architecture to provide the best strength and durability of the nail.

Kezia Parkins

Kezia Parkins

Published 22nd May 2024

Kezia Parkins is the deputy editor of Professional Beauty. She has a background in medical journalism and is also as trained nail tech. As such, she is particularly passionate about all thing nails, as well as the science behind beauty products and treatments. Contact her at [email protected]

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