5 ways to get your nail art noticed on social media

Published 18th May 2017
5 ways to get your nail art noticed on social media

Social media

OPI educator Elisha Whiten, who spoke at the brand's SS17 Trend Tour, reveals the most effective ways nail techs can use social media to get their work noticed online. 

1. Don’t over-post 

"Just post your #nailsoftheday every day. It’s about quality over quantity," said Whiten. 

2. Get your shot right

“When posting pictures of nails, try to only have the nails and fingertips or toes in the picture rather than too much background, as the point of the post gets lost. Also make sure the lighting is sufficient so the picture does the nail colour justice," she added.

3. It's all about tagging

“Be sure to tag the product company, your business name and the client’s name if they allow you to, not forgetting to also hashtag the nail shade, design and anything else that can trend on social media. I love using #opiobsessed, and for the recent Trend Tour we used #OPIFijicollection2017," said Whiten. 

4. Have hashtag limits

"A word of warning: over-hashtagging can be overwhelming, so keep it specific for the particular post and stick to a maximum of four tags, because otherwise people don’t tend to read on through the post," said Whiten. 

5. Keep it professional

“Use social media to boost your business but keep your channels separate from your personal life. Keep it professional to keep your followers engaged and interested," she said. 

For more advice, read our piece from seasoned nail tech Katie Barnes, director of Simply Nails and Beauty in Warwick, on how using Instagram can help boost your nail business

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 18th May 2017

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