Revealed: UK’s biggest skin concerns

Published 09th Jun 2023 by PB Admin

The skincare industry is experiencing rapid growth, with the UK market projected to reach a value of £19.5 billion by 2024

As consumers become increasingly knowledgeable about skin and the effects of products and treatments, understanding their skin concerns is crucial.

According to a survey conducted by the British Skin Foundation, one in five respondents expressed dissatisfaction with their skin, yet less than half were willing to seek professional advice.

Skincare brand Kiehl's introduced the Instant Skin Reader in 2022, which allows users to capture a photo of their face and receive personalised skincare recommendations based on the analysis.

In order to identify the UK's most pressing skin priorities, Kiehl's analysed data collected by the Instant Skin Reader from February to December 2022.

The results revealed that "large pores" topped the list, with 10,943 respondents citing it as their primary concern. 

The highest usage of the tool for this specific issue occurred in April 2022, with 3,076 individuals seeking guidance.

Enlarged pores can result from excessive sebum production, loss of skin elasticity, UV damage and large hair follicles.

While it is impossible to completely eliminate pores, there are products and treatments which can minimise their appearance and improve overall skin texture, including peels, laser, salicylic acid, glycolic acid and retinoids. 

The second most significant skin concern identified by the Instant Skin Reader was "fine lines and wrinkles," with 9,758 respondents prioritising this issue.

Coming in third place, 8,312 respondents indicated "dark pigmentation" as their top concern.

Addressing pigmentation requires specific treatments tailored to individual skin types, such as peels, microneedling and laser, as well as ingredients like vitamin C and retinoids.

Completing the list of top customer skin priorities are "under-eye fine lines" and "lack of firmness". 

These issues commonly occur as a result of ageing and require targeted skincare approaches to improve their appearance.

Commenting on the study's findings, Gerwyn Powell, national education manager at Kiehl's, stated, "It’s interesting to see the broad range of skin priorities our Instant Skin Reader has identified.

“Everyone’s skin journey is unique, but external factors like changing seasons can make specific concerns more prevalent, as shown in the study. 

“Spring is an important time to review your skincare routine and replenish moisture levels in the skin after exposure to cold weather and central heating, which can be incredibly dehydrating. 

“By enhancing skin hydration, not only can we strengthen the skin barrier, but we can also enhance its overall appearance."

Does the study findings match up with your clients' top skin concerns? Let us know in the comments...

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 09th Jun 2023

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