Coming up in February

Published 01st Feb 2016
Coming up in February

The February issue of Professional Beauty is out now. Just a few of the highlights you can look forward to in this issue are: 

Second to none?
The field of lasers is continuously evolving and the latest development, picosecond technology, heralds a new era for tattoo removal as well as advances in skin rejuvenation. These devices emit super-fast pulse widths of less than one nanosecond and as such they have been described as the “next generation” in ultra-short pulse laser technology. We explore the technology and its potential.

Social power
There's no denying that using platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter can boost your salon’s reputation but each functions differently and needs a separate approcah for success. In our social media feature, we quizzed the experts do discover a wealth of tips to help salon and spa onwers to create a foolproof social media plan.

On show
With more than 800 brands launching new innovations, Professional Beauty 2016 on Feb 28-29 promises to be the best chance of the year to spot the trends and boost your business. The February issue of Professional Beauty magazine delivers your ultimate show guide, with details of all the launches, trends, special offers, training opportunities, networking events and competitions taking place over the two days.

The February issue is on its way to subscribers now. A digital version can be bought online for £1.49 – or just £5 for 12 issues. The print edition is just £37 for an annual 12-issue subscription. Make sure you’re always the first to read the news and trends by subscribing online.

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 01st Feb 2016

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