Consumer appetite for healthy food impacts on skincare, research concludes

Published 03rd May 2016 by PB Admin
Consumer appetite for healthy food impacts on skincare, research concludes

Image: Champneys

The greater public interest in good nutrition and healthy food is causing these ingredients to also be embraced by the skincare industry, according to new market research.

New research from market analysts Nielsen reveals that consumers are increasingly becoming convinced that food that is beneficial for you health to eat can also be beneficial for skin and appearance when included as a product ingredient.

or example, the new Nielsen data found that 71% of global consumers believe so called “superfruits”, including blueberries, are effective ingredients in beauty and personal care products.

Nielsen advised the skincare industry that the growing public interest in “superfoods” and fruits represent an excellent opportunity for the sector.

Canadian analyst Jamie Mills said: “Interest in the connections between food, health, and appearance creates great opportunities for beauty brands to take inspiration from new health trends such as juicing in order to better resonate with health-conscious consumers.”


PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 03rd May 2016

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