Editor's comment: some much-needed regulation could be around the corner

Published 05th Jun 2018 by PB Admin
Editor's comment: some much-needed regulation could be around the corner

The recent news that the Government is planning a pilot licensing scheme for nail salons, in a bid to stamp out the modern slavery that is rife in the market, will be music to the ears of many professionals.

So-called “non-standard” salons have made life difficult for responsible business owners for many years, and any move to clamp down those who are not treating their employees fairly is good news not only for the workers but also the competitor salons they are undercutting. 

Meanwhile, in the aesthetics sphere, an additional association has formed to call for tighter regulation, with the primary objective of preventing non-medics such as beauty therapists from carrying out certain aesthetic procedures.

While the industry is divided about whether such treatments should be removed from the jurisdiction of therapists, the majority of both medics and non-medics agree that tighter regulation is needed for treatments such as injectables, which can cause serious adverse reactions. However, the emergence of yet another association is being viewed by some as weakening the cause by dividing its voice further.

While the ideal of a mandatory regulatory system with the backing of all parties may be unrealistic, a streamlining of the bodies lobbying for change could be beneficial to all.

Another key issue being discussed at regulatory level right now is plastics, and following the recent discussion around microbeads, make-up wipes look set to be the next big beauty product category set for a ban.

This move is also likely to be welcomed by beauty pros, many of whom have long been urging clients to ditch the wipes in favour of a thorough cleansing routine.

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PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 05th Jun 2018

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