Five ways to keep your salon staff in it for the long haul

Published 05th Oct 2022 by PB Admin
Five ways to keep your salon staff in it for the long haul

Research from Phorest Salon Software has revealed recruiting staff to be the top challenge salon owners are currently facing. In a recent global survey, 76% said they were finding the process of recruiting staff either ‘difficult’ or ‘very difficult.’

Retention and recruitment are inseparable. The sooner you realise that your staff are your greatest asset as a business owner–and invest your attention in them as such–the less likely they will go off seeking greener pastures. Think about your staff the way you think about your clients. Consider the power of the almighty referral. The more that you build up your reputation as an employer, the more likely your current employees will become advocates for you.

In a conversation on the PhorestFM podcast, salon business coach David Barnett put out a challenge to salon owners: take your focus off your clients for a minute.

“What about becoming famous for being the best place to work?”

You do that, and a lot of things fall into place. You will put less pressure on the recruitment process because you’ll have a regular interest. Plus, attracting great talent equals high standards for your clients.

According to the Phorest survey, owners have found that the most important qualities for retaining their staff are:

●  Flexibility & Work-Life Balance

●  Support & Fairness

●  The Team

●  Environment

●  Communication & Collaboration

●  Culture

“We need to be approaching our team members as if they were our bosses,” added Barnett, “We need to be asking them, ‘What can I do for you? How can I best support you? What are the tools you need in order to be massively successful?’”

Here are five ways you can help your team grow successful long-term careers at your salon:

  1. Stop burnout before it starts

Burnout has a habit of creeping in slowly as stress dials up. However, once a person is burnt out, it may already be too late to repair the damage.

With the worst of the pandemic barely in the rear-view mirror, make sure you are going out of your way to prioritise your team’s wellbeing and work-life balance.

Burnout is also exacerbated when someone doesn’t “see the point” to all their effort or if they are being micromanaged within an inch of their life. Allowing your staff a sense of agency and ownership in how they get their work done builds mutual respect.

  1. Create a supportive environment

Communication is key. Try starting every shift with a ‘huddle’ – even if it’s only 5 minutes long–where your team can address the successes and challenges of yesterday and share their goals for today.

Encourage your team to be honest about the things they might be worried about and give space for them to step up and support each other. Make a point to celebrate wins, both big and small.

  1. Foster a culture of learning

Don’t be afraid to introduce your team to the “business” side of your business. Keeping your staff informed about KPIs, and your business objectives, shows that you value them as collaborators. Understanding some of the language of finance and operations gives them an opportunity to upskill and including them in your plans will help them feel more invested.

  1. Set meaningful individual goals for every member of staff

Goal setting is key to a thriving employee-manager relationship. Providing clear direction for your staff’s efforts is vital to keeping them motivated.

Staff are more likely to be engaged when they know where they stand and what they are working towards. Rather than dictating your staff member’s goals from the top-down, try asking them what they are hoping to achieve. Is it their next promotion? Commission target? Or are they saving for their dream wedding? Work together to see where their personal goals and your common salon goals overlap.

And don’t forget to ensure every goal you set is a S.M.A.R.T. one (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound).

  1. Reward initiative

Encourage your team as they make progress. You don’t necessarily need to go all out on expensive gestures – a kind word or recognition in front of their peers can go a long way. If someone is going out of their way to challenge themselves, take note, and express your gratitude–even if they don’t immediately succeed.

Phorest Salon Software has developed a new mobile solution to empower your team.

With the Staff Goals feature, your team can understand their performance against crucial salon metrics like retail sales, average bill and rebooking rates and create a corresponding goal with only a few taps. Simply select a metric, set a target and timeframe, and, once the goal is underway, progress bars inside the PhorestGo app adjust as your team forge ahead.

Staff members will also receive motivating push notifications as they work towards their goals, and you can assign a custom reward as an incentive for reaching their goal.

Use Phorest’s Manager View to collaborate.

Manager View allows you to see the ongoing progress of any of your staff members’ goals by selecting them from a drop-down menu. This opens more opportunities for continuous feedback and praise. With Phorest Staff Goals enabled, all you need for a productive one-to-one or performance review is your phone. Less printing. Less admin. More time to focus on your passion and lead your dream team.

Phorest salons with retail-based Staff Goals set up in PhorestGo sell twice as much retail. Want totry it for yourself?  Book a demo with Phorest to learn more.

Sponsored story in association with Phorest Salon Software


PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 05th Oct 2022


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