Guest blog: the differences between the UK and Indian beauty markets

Published 01st Jul 2016 by PB Admin
Guest blog: the differences between the UK and Indian beauty markets

High Definition CEO and co-founder Nilam Holmes-Patel (below)has recently launched her brand into the Indian market. She reveals the key trends emerging in India, as well as the UK, and what they mean for the industry

The beauty market in India is growing at a rapid rate and as a result is attracting more and more high-profile brand names from the UK, making this an optimum time to make an impact.

India’s economy is expected to progress at a fast pace, leading to Indian consumers becoming more receptive towards embracing western trends and opting for grooming services from well-established brands. Growing disposable income of the middle class, peer pressure and ever-increasing exposure from the media are some of the factors truly making India the hottest market for high-end treatments.

The UK market differs in that consumers are undertaking more research into the products they buy before making a purchase – they want something that is going to last and be good value for money. Where an Indian consumer may jump on the hottest trend, UK consumers can sometimes dismiss new beauty products or services. Although differing in some aspects, both markets are hugely affected by trends, the impact of the media and, as is the case more and more, celebrity influences.

Male grooming is a key trend that has resulted from celebrity endorsements both in the UK and India. The use of celebrities promoting products, along with increased availability, has made consumers more aware of male grooming and helped drive sales. With the Indian market being exposed to more high-profile brand names and the constant influx of new products and trends, consumers will become more selective in a similar style to the UK market.

With so much choice on offer, the industry needs to ensure that products are of the highest quality. This is key in both the Indian and UK markets as customers want to trust the brands they buy into. This in turn creates loyalty to the brand and longevity in both markets.

Read our full interview with Nilam in the July issue of Professional Beauty. A digital version of can be bought online for £1.49 – or it's just £4.99 for an annual 12-issue digital subscription. The print edition is just £37 for an annual 12-issue subscription. Make sure you’re always the first to read the news and trends by subscribing.


PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 01st Jul 2016

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