Guest blog: Leader, manager and role model – salon owners need to be all three

Published 16th Dec 2016
Guest blog: Leader, manager and role model – salon owners need to be all three

Lesley Caster, owner of City Retreat Salon & Spa in Newcastle, which won Professional Beauty’s Beauty Salon of the Year: North East 2016 Regional Award, explains why leading and managing your team effectively is the key to success.

Running a successful salon is certainly challenging and having a productive, passionate and dedicated team is one of the most important attributes to your salon being a success.

Your team are the building blocks of your business. It’s vital that you lead and manage them effectively, providing a figure head they will respect, admire and want to do their best for.

Being an effective leader means inspiring the people who work for you. Whatever your leadership style; to be effective in your mission you need to provide inspiration for your team and display a positive approach throughout your mission.

It’s about communicating your values to every member of your team. Be honest and fair, and treat everyone as you would like to be treated yourself.

To be a good leader you must inspire action, be optimistic, show integrity, support your team, communicate at all levels, and show confidence and appreciation for your team’s loyalty.

Good management requires an effective strategy which should be communicated to your team encompassing the ethos and objectives of the business. Make sure you systemise your daily activities and processes, ensuring everyone understands their individual role and how they should work together towards achieving the common goal.

Good planning and effective strategy management will help your team remain focused, develop their confidence and ensure efficient day-to-day running of the salon.

Be the inspiration for your team – decide upon the ethos of your company and ensure you display these values on a daily basis. Always try to demonstrate a confident, calm and positive approach.

Communicate and interact with everyone in a positive light and always show respect. Listen to your team and show concern for each person as an individual. Most of all, ensure they have your full support in order to develop and thrive within your company.

A good role model demonstrates passion, shares their values and inspires others to achieve their goals. Ensure your team are on board and have the desire to achieve your vision of a happy and highly successful salon.

Images: ©City Retreat/Lead image: Lesley Caster (centre) with her team; bottom: therapist prepping one of City Retreat's treatment rooms. 

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 16th Dec 2016

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