How to help clients manage the symptoms of menopause

Published 30th Sep 2019
How to help clients manage the symptoms of menopause

The best place to start is by educating your team. Many of us know nothing about the menopause. There are around 34 symptoms, and menopausal clients could be experiencing any of them at different stages.

There are a few things you may notice by just looking at your client, especially if she is a regular. Her hair may become more brittle, or her skin could start to break out.

This happened to me, I was using the same products I had been using for years, keeping the same routine, then one day my skin began to break out and I had no idea why. With all the hormone changes happening within the body, menopausal women might need totally different treatments or products than they’ve required in the past, and, in my opinion, the more natural the products, the better.

It’s really important to talk to your client and find out what she needs on the day of her appointment. If a woman is experiencing hot flushes, for example, the last thing she may want is a facial, or a face mask that’s going to make her feel even hotter. I may not be an expert on the beauty industry, but I do strongly believe that more can be done by to support menopausal women.

The menopause can make women feel terrible at times, so having somewhere to go that they can relax, take their mind off things, and just feel a little more looked after for a few hours can make the world of difference.

 Meg Mathews is an advocate for the menoapuse and is the founder of MegsMenopause

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 30th Sep 2019

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