How to use social media to market your beauty training courses

Published 09th Oct 2022
How to use social media to market your beauty training courses

Most businesses create good-quality content. However, using it effectively can become a full-time job so it’s important to employ a team who possess the skills to both gather content and distribute it effectively.

Create a plan so you know in advance where the end content will be distributed. For example, you need to ensure video is filmed in the correct format and dimensions for the social platform you’re sharing it to.

Using apps such as Canva and Splice is a great way to add effects and designs around your content, and using text and animation lets you add more content and information while making the post more visually appealing. (Be suure to check out our guide on how to create a social media plan you actually have time for).

When selecting imagery, it’s great to show students taking part in your training programme so potential customers can see the environment and visualise themselves in your session. Make sure to use images of students who reflect and represent your target audience.

If you are marketing a course, be specific about what the offering is and what is included in the cost – for example, certificates, accreditation, products, equipment, and literature. Identify which social media platforms are best for your target audience. For example, if you are using Facebook, paid ads and boosted posts can generate more bookings and lead to more course interest.

We experimented by creating ads on single platforms, like Twitter or Instagram, but found we got the best traction when using multiple advertising mediums, combining social with other media such as radio and outdoor. While this option always comes at a higher price point, the risks can lead to bigger gains.

Reporting is important so you can see which of your ads work. If you create an effective ad that got great engagement, there’s nothing wrong with reusing it – there’s no need to constantly produce new content if you have something successful. All it takes is one amazing ad to completely transform your business, if you target it correctly.

While it’s important to have all these things in place to generate leads, once potential clients have registered interest, you need to have a good sales team to advise them and complete the booking, otherwise all your hard work and ad budgets will go to waste.

If budget allows, get a paid social agency to service your ads and create a strategy. Agencies live and breathe paid social and are up to date with changes across social platforms. Leaving it to the professionals can give you more time to focus on the other business elements of your company.

With a social media reach of 130,000, Hayley Harvey-Smith is the founder of creative college GlamCandy in Scotland, which gives students hands-on experience while they complete SQA and SCQF-accredited courses.

Looking for more social media business inspo? Check out these 11 TikTok accounts every beauty professional should be following 

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 09th Oct 2022

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