Look Good Feel Better extends cancer support services to men

Published 26th Sep 2018
Look Good Feel Better extends cancer support services to men

Cancer charity Look Good Feel Better (LGFB) has introduced a programme to support men through cancer treatment in similar ways to which it helps women.

Having been a women’s charity for the more than 24 years since it was founded, LGFB has now launched three initiatives focused on helping male cancer patients manage some of the physical side effects of treatment. 

LGFB has already started running Skin Fitness Workshops in 30 locations nationwide. These are hosted by volunteers with skincare expertise and barbers, and are designed to offer advice on skincare and grooming and help with skin issues linked to cancer treatment.

The charity has also produced a Manual for Men, a free, detailed booklet containing information on skincare, shaving and oral health, as well as advice on nutrition and fitness – highlighting LGFB’s first foray into wellness.

There are also a series of online tutorials from make-up artist Paul Herrington and other image experts, accessible at lookgoodfeelbetter.co.uk/men

Sarahjane Robertson, executive director of Look Good Feel Better commented: “Following extensive research, people told us there was a lack of support, especially when it came to men and their appearance. Many of the men spoken to were concerned that the visible side effects would ‘give away’ the fact that they had cancer.

“Problems included suffering with dry, flaking skin, hair loss and patchy regrowth, dramatic weight change, oral health problems and hot flushes. We were unanimously told that male cancer patients would value detailed information covering basic skincare, shaving, sun care, nutrition, fitness, body image and oral care alongside online tutorials and group sessions.”

Earlier this year research found that British men were more likely to buy make-up products if they were marketed as gender-neutral.  

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 26th Sep 2018

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