Three times more men visiting spas in 2023 vs five years ago

Published 11th Jul 2023

The spa industry is witnessing a significant shift as more men recognise the benefits of spa treatments and experiences.

There has been a 346% increase in men booking spa treatments and experiences since 2018, according to spa experience and booking agency

Increased male audience's analysis of booking and platform data revealed a clear change in its audience composition.

In 2018/2019, men constituted 25% of its audience, whereas the current figures show that 40% of its audience consists of men.

This shift signifies a growing interest among men in engaging with spa services and wellness offerings.

Surge in website sessions and bookings

Not only has the male portion of its audience grown, but has also observed significant increases in website sessions and bookings by men.

Since 2018, the total sessions from men have risen by 89%. Impressively, the bookings made by men have experienced an outstanding surge of 346%.

These statistics illustrate the increasing willingness of men to embrace spa experiences and prioritise their physical and mental wellbeing.

Real men relax campaign

To promote the benefits of spas to men from diverse backgrounds and professions, recently launched its "Real Men Relax" campaign during Men's Health Week (June 12-18).

The campaign proved to be a success, driving a 73% increase in revenue through voucher purchases made by men throughout the week.

The voucher conversion rate also saw a significant boost of 65%. Furthermore, the booking conversion rate for men increased by 12% during the campaign period.

Father's Day impact

The Real Men Relax campaign coincided with Father's Day, and sweetened the deal by offering a 10% discount with the code DAD.

The response was strong, with the code being used 307 times for online bookings and 93 times for voucher purchases within a span of just three days (June 15-18).

These numbers far surpassed the 22 uses of the code in 2022, demonstrating the growing enthusiasm among men to indulge in spa experiences.

Breaking barriers and overcoming challenges

Abi Selby, founder of, says “Throughout my time in the spa industry, it’s become clear that both men and women face barriers when it comes to health. 

“We all face both personal and general wellbeing challenges, they’re just different. 

“When it comes to men in spas, the challenge across the years has been changing the way we think about spas and making it clear that they’re a space for everyone to enjoy, men included.”

“I think men feel pressure to push through when they’re struggling, particularly when it comes to stress and anxiety.” 

Selby adds, “While it’s not the solution to all things, taking time to relax and proactively doing things to relax the body and its corresponding impact on mental and emotional health, it can make a huge difference. The spa industry is here for you.”  

Have you seen an increase in men booking spa treatments or experiences? Let us know in the comments…

Don't miss: The Pro Beauty Pod Episode 2 - PB’s Therapist of the Year Lucie Allen on wellness & holistic therapies and Episode 4 - Hayley Snishko on massage, mental health and mobile beauty 

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 11th Jul 2023

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