Older generations becoming more influenced by beauty industry

Published 26th Nov 2016
Older generations becoming more influenced by beauty industry

Men and older generations are becoming more influenced by the beauty industry, according to a new report from consumer insight company Canadean.

The report suggested that our increasingly image-led society has encouraged more people to associate appearance with success in both their personal and professional lives, therefore becoming more easily influenced to advertising messages and promotional content from beauty brands.

Canadean’s research found that slightly more women (66%) subscribe to the belief that physical appearance determines success compared to 61% of men. Women were also found to be 1.3 times more likely than men to feel under pressure to look good.

While its assumed that younger people are more likely to think image is important, Canadean found 60% of those aged 55 and over agreed that image correlates with success.

Canadean analyst Veronika Zhupanova commented: “With image-consciousness becoming ever-more pervasive among ageing populations in developed economies and the pension age rising, competition to look good among this demographic will drive demand in categories such as anti-ageing skincare and make-up, as consumers seek to impress employers and appear as dynamic as younger colleagues.”

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 26th Nov 2016

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