Frösö Park hotel opens with a new spa by KLAFS

Published 18th May 2016
Frösö Park hotel opens with a new spa by KLAFS

What comes from KLAFS sends a clear signal again and again: design, inventive talent and extraordinary concepts are the main reasons why KLAFS has become the innovation driver for the whole sauna and spa industry.

With pleasing regularity, KLAFS manages to introduce surprising new concepts for wellness and health – like in the new spa area at the Frösö Park Hotel, based in Östersund in Sweden.

The concept of this spa area is based on the sensations of Jämtland, the region where the spa is located. Guests get a sense of the surrounding nature, and experience local health traditions through the facilities in the spa. Simplicity, wood, stone and steam have been inspirations. A guiding principle is to both raise and lower the pulse.

The architect and interior designer Thomas Sandell and architect Hermansson Hiller Lundberg created a modern spa based on these inspirations, with an area of 1200 qm. KLAFS has also made a great contribution to the whole spa area.

The result is a spa that touches the heart of the guests because of its stunning, relaxing atmosphere and a good ratio between the spa facilities and the relaxation areas.

Guests are also excited about the variety of experiences that are offered – one can not only choose between two saunas and a SANARIUM, but also between a steam bath and a caldarium. There is also an ice fountain to cool down and heated benches to relax in warmth on.

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 18th May 2016

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