It takes just three appointments for Brits to stay loyal to their beauty therapist

Published 13th Feb 2023 by PB Admin
It takes just three appointments for Brits to stay loyal to their beauty therapist

It takes just three (3.3) appointments for UK consumers to stay loyal to their hair or beauty professional, a new survey has found.

Wholesaler Capital Hair and Beauty surveyed 2,000 UK consumers about their loyalty to their therapist, nail tech or hairdresser.
Almost seven million admitted they’d feel more guilty about 'cheating' on their hair or beauty professional, than they would a romantic partner. 
Capital Hair & Beauty also asked Brits to share the reasons they may be tempted to leave their usual beauty pro and book in with someone new. 
The number-one reason for switching was a bad experience, with just under a third (29%) saying they would do this, rising to 33% among women.
Other reasons topping the list of why Brits might choose to “cheat” on their usual beauty or hair expert included not being able to secure a suitable appointment time (23%), wanting a complete change of look (22%), not liking the products being used by the salon or professional (16%), and an increase in prices (16%). 
The products used were much more of a concern for women (21%) than men (9%). Not offering vegan-friendly or sustainable products was unlikely to encourage disloyalty amongst the majority of clients though.
For one in seven (14%) 18-to-24-year-olds, not having the option of a silent appointment could drive them to seek a more peaceful experience elsewhere. 
One in ten (10%) UK consumers said they would be tempted to switch to a new beauty professional if they didn’t have a scheme in place to reward them for their loyalty.  
Meanwhile, for 3% of Brits, feeling like they'd overshared during their last appointment would be their top reason for going somewhere new. 
Overall, men were found to be more likely to stay loyal, with more than a quarter saying they would never go elsewhere for an appointment (28%) compared to just 15% of women.     
With this in mind, Capital Hair and Beauty marketing manager Samantha Shamplina-Burkwood shared her top five tips for boosting customer loyalty:
1. Personalise your customer’s experience    
2. Be personable  
3. Encourage them to book their next appointment before they leave the salon  
4. Make your booking process easy and hassle free  
5. Ask for honest feedback from customers after their appointments  
6. Set up a loyalty scheme  
7. In addition, reward your customers for any referrals  

For more business advice, check out the stellar line-up on our Business & Digital Skills live stage at Professional Beauty London on March 5–6 here!

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 13th Feb 2023

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