Three out of five teenagers say acne affects their self-confidence

Published 23rd Mar 2017
Three out of five teenagers say acne affects their self-confidence

Around 80% of adolescents in the UK suffer with acne and three out of five say it affects their self-confidence, according to new research by The British Skin Foundation.

Of the 10 to 18-year-olds surveyed by the charity, 62% reported being verbally abused by friends, family or a person they know because of their acne and 40% by a member of the public, with a further 46% bullied regularly because of their skin condition.

Worryingly, 19% of adolescents have contemplated suicide due to their acne, with another 4% actually attempting suicide, and 19% have considered self-harm, while a further 16% have actually self-harmed.

However, almost half of respondents (48%) said they rely on their family for support. The survey also revealed that just over half (52%) of adolescents have tried five or more treatments for their acne.

“People do underestimate acne and the impact it has on those suffering with it. I think these results highlight that acne should be taken far more seriously,” said Dr Anjali Mahto, consultant dermatologist and British Skin Foundation spokesperson.

“It is important to seek help and advice early before scarring (be that mental or physical) develops and request referral to a dermatologist if treatments aren't working. We also need to investigate the psychological burden of this further.”

Despite acne being so common, the charity states that there are still many misconceptions around it, including that sufferers are dirty or don’t wash properly, that their diet is poor and that they will “grow out of it”.

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 23rd Mar 2017

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