Almost half of Brits don't exercise enough

Published 13th Sep 2017
Almost half of Brits don't exercise enough

46% of people are not achieving the NHS recommended minimum of 150 minutes of moderate activity every week, found a survey commissioned by QHotels Health Clubs.

Of the 2,000 people surveyed, a quarter said walking was their preferred form of exercise, followed by going to the gym (15%), running (12%), cycling (10%) and swimming (3%).

The hotel group wanted to get an insight into the population’s fitness habits and find out if people think about their heath and fitness into retirement. Over 67% said they want to continue with fitness or sports activities either to the same or an increased frequency when they retire. Half of respondents said their current state of health and fitness is “not good”.

The survey also asked respondents about stress. Over 32% said they felt stressed “very often” or “often”. Most of these were women (38%), compared to just 26% of men. 18 to 24 year-olds reported feeling the most stressed (45%) compared to just 21% of over 55s.




PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 13th Sep 2017

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