Wellness Tourism Association announces initiatives for 2020 and beyond
The Wellness Tourism Association has announced its plans for the year ahead, including awards and partnerships to discover the trends and motivations of wellness travellers.
The association has launched its WTA Annual Award, which will honour an organisation, company or individual that has successfully launched and implemented a wellness project or initiative to support sustainable wellness tourism. The awards will be open to both WTA members and non-members, with the first award presented at its annual general meeting on the 12 and 13 May 2020.
The company is also working with South Korea based Ph.D. student, Danny Kessler of the Youngsan University and Wellness Tourism Institute, and Nathanial Whittingham, a Toronto-based independent statistical consultant, in order to gather information on the motivations of North American wellness travellers through consumer surveys.
Additionally, the WTA has partnered with Laszlo Puczko, founder of Austria-based Health Tourism Worldwide, to revisit the initial research published in 2012 by the Wellness Tourism Observatory. The project aims to identify the main global and regional trends in wellness-motivated travel from 2025-2030.
Other plans include a program to assist DMO and Tourism Boards launching individual destination initiatives, and a partnership with The Travel Institute to launch a comprehensive Wellness Travel Course in 2021.
Now in its third year of operation, the WTA has 100 members across 21 countries, and its mission is to support and further the growth and development of the wellness tourism industry.
“We are thrilled to have reached 100 members and partners, who are all helping us fulfil our mission to support the sustainable growth of wellness tourism worldwide,” says Anne Dimon, WTA president and CEO.
“Our growth demonstrates that there is a desire by industry providers to understand and promote a common set of standards,” says chairman Andrew Gibson. “As with the growth of all new services, the public wants to have reliable and bona fide suppliers and the WTA helps to support the credible growth of wellness tourism.”