50% of beauty professionals identify as neurodivergent, shows new research

Published 30th Apr 2024

Half of all professionals working in the beauty industry identify as neurodivergent, according to the results of a new survey. 

During National Autism Acceptance month (April), salon and spa software provider Vagaro conducted a survey that highlights the presence of neurodivergent professionals in the beauty industry. 

Key Findings

  • 50% of professionals identified as neurodivergent or on the autism spectrum
  • 27% said they work on a team with a neurodivergent peer
  • 43% offer services specifically tailored to meet the needs of clients who are neurodivergent or on the autism spectrum
  • 56% said technology is helpful in making accommodations for neurodivergent clients

How can salons and spas cater to neurodivergent clients? 

The findings show that spa and salon professionals proactively ask about requests beforehand. For example, offering noise-reduced options such as quiet equipment and different lighting options. 

More then half of these providers said technology is helpful in making accommodations for neurodivergent clients, highlighting that scheduling software plays an important role in reducing sensory overload. 

What is the role of technology in assisting neurodivergent clients?

Online booking systems, digital check-ins, and automated reminders help reduce factors that can contribute to overstimulation.

Our survey showcases the growing dedication of salon and spa professionals to inclusivity and innovation...By encouraging acceptance, celebrating diversity, and leveraging technology we can create more accessible space for both neurodivergent clients and industry professionals

Charity Hudnall, chief marketing officer, Vagaro

Top tips for accommodating neurodiversity

An online booking system with visual aids and clear descriptions when scheduling an appointment.

A digital check-in app as it relieves the social pressure for those who would prefer to bypass the front-desk on appointment arrival.  

Digital client forms so they can complete them in their own place and at their own pace.  

Don’t miss: Autism in the beauty industry and ADHD and nails, a career march made in heaven?

Talana Sodiwala

Talana Sodiwala

Published 30th Apr 2024

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