6 ways to prep your spray tanning kit for reopening post-Covid-19

As beauty salon owners across the country make preparations to get their businesses ready to safely reopen post-coronavirus lockdown (when the Government says they can), St.Tropez is delivering essential advice on how to prep your spray tanning area and kit.
Michaella Bolder, celebrity facialist and St.Tropez skin finishing expert, reveals six ways to prep your spray tanning kit for reopening – whether you’re a mobile or salon-based spray tanner.
1. Spruce up your tent/booth so it looks as good as new
“If you’re using a tent or booth, use warm water and antibacterial spray on the couch and blue roll to wipe over the surface. For a deep clean, use a hose pipe in the garden – cleaning the inside, outside, roof and floor – and then let it air dry,” says Bolder. “It will also be important to clean the roof and floor in between appointments using warm water and antibacterial spray.”
However, all booths are different, so Bolder advises following your manufacturer’s instructions on how to take it apart and clean the non-electrical parts, and to check it’s working fine.
“It’s also important to change your filter to keep the air clean, so order spare filters and make sure you change it regularly as per your manufacturer’s instructions,” adds Bolder. St.Tropez recommends getting your booth serviced every 12 months.
2. The do’s and don’ts of cleaning your spray tan gun
“All guns are different so follow your manufacturer’s instructions on how to take your gun apart (if you can as some you can’t) and give it a good clean, flushing it through with warm water, checking it is in good working order,” explains Bolder.
“You also need to clean your gun through with warm water after each tan, and clean down the machine and gun with an antibacterial spray before and after each client too.”
3. Adjust your spray tanning room
Bolder advises running through the treatment as if you were the client, so you can see the things they interact with and make adjustments. “What needs to be painted? What repairs need doing? Treat this time in forced closure as a relaunch,” she says.
“Also, look at your diary planning and make adjustments to allow yourself more time to clean in between clients for additional hygiene factors. Solution can get everywhere, so ensure you wipe down all bottles, disposables and surfaces after each treatment.”
4. Make the switch to disposables
“Ensure all your gowns and towels are clean and ready to go. It might be worth investing in disposable shower caps vs towel turbans when you reopen. If this isn’t possible, then it is essential that you have clean towels, gowns and buffing mitts for each client,” says Bolder.
“Ensure your laundry basket for used gowns and turbans has a lid on it and is not in the treatment room, and make sure to replenish the stock you may have forgotten about such as sticky feet and gloves.”
5. Follow the official guidance
“Await and follow the UK Government’s guidance, but also be prepared. Stock up on essential PPE such as face masks, antibacterial wipes and spray, and ensure you have a good stock of disposable underwear, gowns and gloves,” advises Bolder.
6. Refresh your training
“Lockdown is the perfect time to upskill. Follow your favourite spray tanners for tip and tricks, and check out St.Tropez’s training video for a refresher of the St.Tropez way."
Michaella Bolder is a celebrity facialist and St.Tropez's skin finishing expert.
Check out St.Tropez’s full range of professional spray tanning products.
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