Beauty salon Covid-19 reopening plan: 4 safety preparations to make

Published 14th Jul 2020
Beauty salon Covid-19 reopening plan: 4 safety preparations to make

Returning to work at your beauty salon or spa post-coronavirus lockdown will not be going back to the way things were. Almost everything has changed and everyone is having to adapt how they operate their business. 

A safe and financially successful return to work could be hampered if you are ill-prepared for the changes or not managing the wellbeing of your team. Concerns about the health and wellbeing of ourselves, our team and clients, as well as the extraordinary financial pressures that come with the pandemic, means it is not surprising that anxiety levels are running high at the moment.  

Whether you work on your own or employ staff, it is vital your business preparation is right, which is why Candice Gardner, UK education manager – digital and content at Dermalogica, is advising you follow these key aspects to reduce anxiety and secure confidence for everyone walking through your doors.  

4 preparations to make ahead of reopening your beauty business (salons, spas and those who are home-based/mobile):

1. Implement operational and service changes

You need to implement clear protocols that reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus. Carry out a risk assessment and address specific touchpoints such as pre-appointment screening, client arrival and departure, retail and common-area floor services, treatment room sanitation and personal protective equipment (PPE) use. 

Check your local Government’s guidance for close contact services and implement changes in line with your professional membership organisation. Share the steps you’ve taken and the safety measures you’re introducing with staff and clients. Knowing what to expect eliminates unnecessary worry.  

For practical advice on preparing to open, watch Dermalogica’s exclusive webinar with Professional Beauty.

2. Get training in enhanced sanitation and hygiene protocols

Understanding the unique type of risk that coronavirus presents, and how this differs to the other health and safety measures you already have in place, will prevent complacency and ensure the right decisions are made in each situation that presents. To protect yourself, your team and your community, you need to raise your game on infection control with improved practices on sanitation and disinfection. 

At Dermalogica, we’ve launched two Enhanced Service Safety training modules– one for skin therapists and one for make-up artists. Open to all industry professionals (including those not currently using Dermalogica), successful completion of the course results in Clean Touch certification that you can proudly display. 

Get Dermalogica Clean Touch certified now

3. Actively address your personal wellbeing and your teams

Emotional and occupational awareness will be essential during your return to work. Find activities that promote physical and mental wellbeing to reduce stress and make it easier to cope with the changes. For example, start strengthening hands and wrists that have been out of action for four months to reduce the risk of fatigue and injury. 

For therapists looking to address their own wellness, watch the International DermalInstitute’s 30-minute Wellness and Me webinar, which addresses the important subject of therapist health and wellbeing in light of Covid-19, and the implications for providing wellbeing services to customers. 

4. Promote wellness to your customers

Everyone has been through so much during Covid-19 lockdown and professional hands-on services will be an outlet for much of the stress and emotion as we restore ourselves with the power of touch. 

Plan the services and promotions you will offer during reopening with a focus on wellbeing and re-establishing balance. Sharing advice on sleep, self-care and the value of your services will support your customers and get your business back on track. 

While there is much to process about this difficult and challenging time, being proactive and taking positive steps to prepare personally, professionally and operationally will ease anxiety for everyone.  

How are you preparing to reopen your beauty business? Comment below.

Candice GardnerCandice Gardner is UK education manager – digital and content at Dermalogica


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PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 14th Jul 2020

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