Employment law quiz for salon owners

Published 20th Oct 2017
Employment law quiz for salon owners

Employment law

Are you up to date with changes in employment law? Expert David Wright has devised a quiz to help you find out. 

Some of the queries salon owners ask me about are very enlightening. Their ideas about employment law are sometimes quite far off the mark; but it’s fair to say that however limited an employer’s knowledge might be, the typical employee has significantly less understanding of their rights.

I’ve devised a quiz to check your knowledge is up to date.

The quiz:

1. What is the minimum holiday entitlement for a five-day-a-week worker?

a) 28 days
b) 20 days plus eight bank holidays
c) It depends how many hours they work

2. What is the minimum break for employees aged over 18?

a) 20 minutes every six hours
b) 20 minutes after six hours
c) 30 minutes after four hours

3. Can an employee agree to receive below the national minimum wage while they are building a column?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Only if they have just finished their apprenticeship

4. If an employee works on a Sunday or bank holiday are they automatically entitled to a higher rate of pay?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Only if they are full time

5. If you promote a therapist to be an assistant manager then…

a) It isn’t possible to give them a new probation period for the new job
b) You can give them a new probationary period of six months
c) They can have a probation period but only of three months

6. Employers have several opportunities to legally release poor employees within the first two years.

a) True. Employers are basically safe if they act within 24 months
b) Only true for employees aged under 21
c) True, other than for unfair dismissal claims – employees don’t need two years’ service to claim discrimination

7. If all staff have a contract for 20 hours a week, when they go on holiday that is all you have to pay them, regardless of regular overtime.

a) True – holiday pay is based on contracts only
b) This isn’t legal and if challenged, you’d have to pay arrears based on their average hours
c) It’s legal, but only for their first two years of employment

8. Employees who are pregnant are not entitled to maternity leave unless they have completed 26 weeks’ service.

a) True
b) False – employees are entitled to maternity leave from day one, but not maternity pay
c) False – they are entitled to maternity leave and pay

9. If I arrange a disciplinary hearing, the employee has the right to be accompanied by their recognised and accredited trade union representative or a work colleague.

a) True
b) True but they can also choose a family member
c) They can choose whomever they wish

Answers: 1 – a; 2 – b; 3 – b; 4 – b; 5 – a; 6 – c; 7 – b; 8 – b; 9 – a

David WrightDavid Wright is a consultant in all aspects of employment practice and law. He is the main employment law consultant for Habia and provides a personalised support service for UK salons.

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 20th Oct 2017

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