Everything you need to know about the new £20 note

Published 17th Feb 2020 by PB Admin
Everything you need to know about the new £20 note

The new £20 note is set to launch on February 20 but don't worry, older paper notes can still be used in your salon or spa.

The polymer note will prominently feature British painter J. M. W. Turner, specifically his 1799 self-portrait, as well as purple and silver foil patches, raised print and a hidden red and green "20" which is only visible under ultra-violet light.

Other features include a two-colour foil, making the notes harder to counterfeit, and a quote from Turner: "Light is therefore colour", alluding to his "innovative use of light, shade, colour and tone" in his paintings. 

The change from paper to polymer is an effort to make the notes more durable, aimed at resisting wear and tear such as water damage. The £5 note made the switch in September 2016, and the £10 note in September 2017.

Although paper notes will remain in circulation for the foreseeable future, they will be gradually withdrawn when banked until gone entirely. A notice will be released six-months before paper £20 notes are no longer considered legal tender.

Plans are also in motion for the £50 note to transition into polymer printing, with a similar launch set for 2021. Featured on the note will be Alan Turing, who helped in the translating of German ciphers during the Second World War.

Read about how to improve the retail-to-treatment-revenue in your salon, or how to unlock the hidden cash in your salon business.

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 17th Feb 2020

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