How can I make sure clients don’t have any soreness after intimate waxing?

Published 01st Apr 2016 by PB Admin
How can I make sure clients don’t have any soreness after intimate waxing?

A comfortable wax starts with great training, making sure you know your routine and use great products that are cool and comfortable for the client. Hair shouldn’t be too long for intimate treatments so trim the area first if necessary. It’s vital to get the skin taut as it can rip otherwise. For the areas where that is difficult to do, you should wax in small sections. If you can’t get a tight enough stretch, don’t be afraid to ask the client to help.

Some therapists worry that the client shouldn’t have to get involved because they’ve paid for the treatment, but if you have a client who maybe has more mature skin or it’s harder to get it taut, you do have to adjust your technique. Where possible you shouldn’t get the client involved but the duty of a therapist is to protect their client, so you have to use your initiative.

For intimate and facial waxing we always suggest using peelable wax as it’s cooler on sensitive areas. Be particularly careful with temperature when waxing brows because the skin is very thin there. You must make sure the client isn’t using roaccutane because that thins the skin so it’s really important to do a consultation every time, even for a repeat client, to see if anything’s changed.

Once you’ve removed the wax it’s nice to put your palm on the area to calm skin; just a gentle touch. That can feel awkward for intimate waxing so try using the back of your hand. It’s also important to make sure the client understands what’s a normal reaction and what’s not.

Regulars will understand that there will be a little bit of redness or some raising of the skin but it’s important to explain that to your newbies, reassuring them that it’s normal and will calm down. Obviously, the usual homecare advice is key – keeping the area clean, cool and free from tight clothing

Nicky Matthews is managing director Sienna X, which is best know for its tanning products but has just developed a new salon waxing brand and training system. 

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 01st Apr 2016

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