How to find beauty therapists willing to work evenings and weekends

Published 02nd Mar 2022
How to find beauty therapists willing to work evenings and weekends

More and more businesses are finding it hard to find beauty therapists who are comfortable with working on evenings and at the weekend. More therapists have gone self-employed since Covid-19 first appeared in early 2020. People have realised that they do not want to work 40 hours per week on the salaries they were earning – they now want a much better work-life balance.

During the pandemic, people found other jobs and took the opportunity to really think about what they want to do. This has had a huge impact on recruitment in the beauty and spa industry. Add to this the impact of Brexit, which has resulted in fewer people looking for positions in the UK, and it is quite clear why the industry is facing difficult times.

So, what can be done? It is vital from the start to talk to employees about their desired hours and what you are looking for from them. It is important to achieve compromise. The key for the employer is to accommodate therapists’ desired hours without it impacting negatively on the business. Discuss working every other weekend and a rota system for evenings, but ensure the employee understands they need to have full columns.

It can be very time-consuming to find the right person, so consider working with a specialist recruitment agency that can dedicate the time and energy into understanding your business and matching the perfect candidates.

They can also weed out the time wasters so that you are not losing valuable hours from your working week. This way you only receive suitable CVs from candidates who can impact positively on your revenue, allowing the business to cover the recruitment costs. Think about putting a structure in place for less weekend and evening work once a therapist has been there for a certain amount of time too. However, the person needs to understand that if they are working on a Tuesday instead of a Saturday, for example, then they need their column to be full.

Looking at it another way, make the client work for your business. Be selective on bookable treatments at certain times. Only book the high-revenue treatments with more experienced senior employees.

Have incentives in place for your team to win days or hours off too – create competition and desire and do not feel that you must keep rotas the same for everyone. It is your business to run how you feel works best for you, your team, and your bottom line. If you already have a strong team and you do not want to rock the boat by bringing in someone who wants selected hours, then think hard if it is worth it as you do not want to lose amazing staff. However, always look at what someone new could bring and consider all options. Always think about the wellness and happiness of your employees.

Anna Nickless HeadshotHaving previously run a chain of successful salons, Anna Nickless now runs AB Beauty Consultancy, which specialises in business coaching and recruitment for the beauty salon market:

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PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 02nd Mar 2022

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