Acne and oily skin lead most searched for beauty concerns

Published 16th Aug 2022 by PB Admin
Acne and oily skin lead most searched for beauty concerns

“Acne getting worse” has been revealed as the most search for beauty worry in 2022, having over 8.7 million views on YouTube and 60 monthly searches on Google. 

The data, compiled by HD Brows, used Ahrefs search data combined with YouTube views to determine the most searched for beauty questions across four categories – skin, brows, lashes and acne.

Skin issues and acne accounted for six of the top 10, with oily skin as a result of that time of the month in second place, with over 200 searched and 3,560,000 YouTube views.

For clients experiences skin changes due to hormones later in life, check out our top tips for better skin during perimenopause and menopause. 

Skin concerns seem to be affecting make-up application as well, with ‘dry skin with foundation’ amassing 3,480,000 YouTube Views and 150 monthly Google searches, placing it fourth in the list. 

The top 10 most searched for beauty worries

Searched phrase

Google Search Volume 

Average YouTube Views

Acne is getting worse



Oily skin period



Where have my eyebrows gone?



Dry skin with foundation



How to fix weird eyebrows



Why are my eyelash not even?



False eyelashes irritating eye



Which sunscreen for oily skin?



Can acne be caused by stress?



Why dry skin around eyes




Eyebrows appear to be another cause for concern, with YouTube views for “where have my eyebrows gone?” and “how to fix weird eyebrows” at 3,490,000 and 3,400,000 respectively.

Eyebrows can become thinner over time for a multitude of reasons. Here’s the reasons why eyebrows thin, and the treatments you can offer in your salon to help.

Likely due to the summer months and heatwave, searches for “which sunscreen for oily skin?” have reached over 2.7 million on YouTube. Those in Chichester and Brighton need to be particularly cautious when it comes to applying SPF, as they are the UK cities most at risk of skin ageing from UV rays.

Which beauty queries have you been googling? Let us know in the comments….

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 16th Aug 2022

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