PB Webinars: Best facial massage techniques and how supplements can support your business

Published 31st Aug 2020
PB Webinars: Best facial massage techniques and how supplements can support your business

This week’s PB Webinar line-up (September 1-4) includes live interviews with some of the most respected experts in their field.

Aesthetician Andy Millward will be speaking about all things SPF, facialist Nichola Joss will discuss the best facial massage techniques to boost facial contours, and wellness expert Kathryn Danzey will show you how supplements can transform both your client’s skin and your business. 

Tuesday 1 September – 3pm – Live webinar with Andy Millward – “SPF 101: How to recommend SPF for your clients”

Facialist and aesthetician Andy Millward will be discussing the different SPF options and how to recommend the best option for your client’s skin type and condition. There will be a 15 minute Q&A at the end. 

Wednesday 2 September – 4pm – Instagram Live with Nichola Joss – “Best facial massage techniques to boost facial contours” 

Top facialist Nichola Joss gives us a masterclass on perfecting facial massage in treatment, covering the most effective techniques to boost facial contours, how these work and which clients will benefit most. Joss will also be giving us the lowdown on the top skincare trends for 2020/2021 and her secrets to success, as well as giving her opinion on how the sector will recover from coronavirus.  

Thursday 3 September – 2pm – Live webinar with Kathryn Danzey – “Supplements 101: How supplements can transform your clients’ skin and your business”

Health and wellness expert and founder of Rejuvenated, Kathryn Danzey, will talk through how supplements can support your client’s skincare journey in the salon. She will discuss how to recommend and retail supplements to your clients, as well as discuss the key supplement ingredients to know.

Sponsored by Rejuvenated

Sign up to these webinars now. 

For every PB Webinar you attend, you will receive 1 CPD hour from VTCT – find out how to claim your points.  

Who would you love to see on one of our PB Webinars? Comment below and we will try our best to make it happen. 

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 31st Aug 2020

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