SPF beauty products top Pinterest's summer trends

Published 12th Jul 2018
SPF beauty products top Pinterest's summer trends

SPF lip balms are in high demand, if Pinterest’s list of summer beauty trends is anything to go by.

“Pins” or saves for SPF lip balms on the image-based inspiration-sharing site were up 304% year on year, while natural sunscreens also grew in popularity – saves were up by 121%.

Tinted sunscreens specifically saw an increase of 157%. The pinning activity indicates that consumers are taking suncare seriously and being more considerate when it comes to selecting the right product for their needs. 

And as summer sets in and beauty shoppers get ready to show more skin, pins for body polish rose by 199% compared to the previous year.

In April Pinterest said that pins for images tagged as “vegan beauty” had seen a 50% increase in the previous six months.

Equip yourself with the most up-to-date suncare information and find out if SPF-infused foundations and moisturisers actually provide adequate protection by reading our SPF myth-busting guide here

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 12th Jul 2018

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