Step-by-step guide to tantouring

Published 22nd May 2016

Tantouring has been the beauty buzzword on everyone’s lips since celebrity make-up artist Joyce Bonelli revealed it’s the secret to the Kardashians’ flawless skin. The no-make-up-contouring trick uses self-tan alone to sculpt and define the face, and it can be a great add-on to your spray tan offering.

Jules Heptonstall, freelance spray tanner and St Tropez skin-finishing expert, reveals his top tips for achieving the look using a spray gun:

1. Either spray one coat to the full body then use the second coat to contour the face, or spray two coats all over then, after the tan has developed, contour on a different day

2. Decrease the pressure of the tanning gun. I used the St Tropez Pro Booth. The darker the solution, the more prominent the contouring will be. When contouring, slowly apply the tanning mist to shade and gradually build up. The key is to look natural

3. In a well-lit area, spray the face. The areas to shade are the ones naturally indented on the face, including under the jawline, under the cheek bone, the outer brow and the outer nose

4. When highlighting the décolletage, spray the collarbones and around the neck where it naturally indents

5. The trick to contouring is to keep stepping back to look at what you’ve done, then add additional layers to deepen colour

6. After you’ve sprayed each area, buff with a mitt to blend the outer edges.

Step-by-step images: Jules Heptonstall/St Tropez

Lead image: Dune

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 22nd May 2016

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