What do you do when another salon opens around the corner?

Published 20th Jul 2018
What do you do when another salon opens around the corner?

Don’t panic! These things happen but it’s not all doom and gloom. You need to believe in the service that you provide and trust that is the best you can deliver.

Let’s face it; competition keeps you on your toes. It makes sure that your service is always the best it can be. There is no room for complacency when you have lots of competition.

Evaluate your business 

This is a good time to evaluate your procedures and services. It makes you think about your current client journey and evaluate whether there are things that could be tidied up or improved. This includes learning what keeps your staff loyal and motivated as well as what clients want.

Boost your reputation

Our industry is growing rapidly and as a result clients have lots of choice. Your reputation is worth more than anything now. With the aid of the internet bad news can travel very quickly. Local printed advertising is almost obsolete, so the majority of good business comes from word of mouth and reputation. Focusing on this brings clients that will give you repeat business and who are not just chasing a special offer.

Identify and promote your USP

What do you offer your clients that you know none of the other salons in your area has got? Make it the best it can be and promote it.

Be magnanimous

If a client asks you what you think about the “new place around the corner”, don’t ever be negative. You don’t know them and they don’t know you. Instead, wish them lots of luck in this amazing industry.

Embrace market growth

The high street is changing and we are in a very unique position as a service-based industry that people cannot buy online. We need to hold on to that and any growth in our industry means more economic and job security for us all.

Trust in your superior quality

Clients will be naturally curious about new shops that pop up on the high street, and everyone loves an opening offer or a discount. Prepare for your clients to try the newest salon on the block, but be confident in the service you provide and that they will return to receive your unique (and superior) experience.

Emma Ginever

Emma Ginever
 owns The Essentials, which has two branches in Birmingham. She has been in the beauty industry for 20 years and has a staff of 10 across the two salons. 

Watch our video with Samantha and Samuel Sweet on how to stand out from the competition with brilliant marketing.

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 20th Jul 2018

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