Guest blog: why continuous training is vital for massage therapists

Published 26th May 2017
Guest blog: why continuous training is vital for massage therapists

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Beata Aleksandrowicz is a massage expert and creator of the Pure Massage Spa Training Method, which provides spas worldwide with advanced training in a modern concept of massage. Here, she explains how investing in employees training helps ignite their passion and future-proof your business.

I can never stress enough how important it is for massage therapists to continue developing their skills, and we have to recognise that training isn’t just about technique. It’s vitally important to invest in your staff because only advanced training will keep them growing and feeling passionate about the job they do.

Massage is a demanding and physical job and it’s draining on the body, mind and spirit. In my experience, no students are equipped to handle the demands of four of five massages (or sometimes more) per day.

It leads quickly to burnout, especially if they have not been educated on how to employ injury-free techniques in the treatment room, let alone considering issues of care for their emotional wellbeing.

Young therapists are our industry’s future and I fear we are losing far too many because we are not educating or supporting them correctly.

Why is continuous training so important for therapists?

  • The salon and spa environment is always changing – clients have new expectations and salons and spas are equipped with new technologies and techniques. It’s important to follow new trends.
  • Routine is the enemy – repeated actions can cause loss of interest and lack of concentration.
  • Research on mind, body and soul is constantly developing – the work of massage therapists doesn’t revolve around massage only, it is a complex job that requires emotional, intellectual and spiritual alertness.

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What you can do

A salon or spa can offer the best experience possible to its clients by employing a team of professional, dedicated and passionate therapists – behind every successful spa is a dedicated team.

Regard your staff as the professionals that they are. They are the core of your business and possibly your greatest asset. By investing in their continuous learning, you’re investing in the future, reigniting their passion and future-proofing your business.

Beata Aleksandrowicz Find out more about Aleksandrowicz’s training here or read her piece on the benefits of training therapists to offer psychological support here.

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 26th May 2017

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