Young, single women living in London are most image-obsessed

Published 21st Aug 2017
Young, single women living in London are most image-obsessed

Salons should target single, female city-dwellers aged 18-34, as this is the demographic that considers being physically attractive most important.

Market research company YouGov dubbed this group “the beautiful people” in a report titled Inside the Mindset: The Beautiful People, because of all people they’re most likely to think it important to “look physically attractive and stay looking young”.

In terms of the beauty industry, this group offers brands and salons plenty of opportunity to cash in on their never-ending quest for physical perfection. Using data and analytics collected from YouGov profiles, the company found that 49% said they wouldn’t leave home without looking their best, while 69% said they use beauty products to make themselves look better. Looking old is a big concern among the group; 59% said they use products to prevent their skin from ageing.

“The beautiful people” are also concerned about looking after themselves on the inside, choosing healthier food and paying more for products that are free from artificial additives.

They’re likely to spend money on products or services they don’t necessarily need, instead being driven by desires to look good and keep on top of trends. Brand loyalty isn’t a priority for the group, suggesting they’d be open to trying new beauty brands and treatments if they hold even more image-enhancing appeal, especially if cheaper or discounted; 75% said that while they do have favourite brands, they’re easily swayed to try something different if it’s on offer.

91% also said they enjoy having a wide range of products and services, so businesses hoping to hook in this demographic should “understand that they will always use other brands as well”, said the report. A strong social media presence is also key – “the beautiful people” frequently use Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter, and are more likely to have logged on in the past 30 days than the general population.

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 21st Aug 2017

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