Why it’s important to educate clients about sun safety

Published 10th Jun 2024

With 2023 the hottest year on record for the UK, and heading into the 2024 summer, it seems getting out and enjoying the weather is becoming easier.

The warmer weather has also seen the topic of sunburn, sunbeds and tanning hacks trending amongst younger consumers on platforms such as TikTok and Instagram.

However, with 15-34-year-olds experiencing higher rates of melanoma, highlighting the risks and educating clients about safe sun practices has never been more important.

Sun exposure and sunburn are major risk factors for developing skin cancer; the most common cancer in the UK.

According to Cancer Research UK, over 230,000 cases of non-melanoma and around 17,500 cases of melanoma skin cancer are diagnosed annually in the UK.

UVB rays from the sun primarily cause burns by directly damaging DNA and forming pyrimidine dimers, which distort DNA structure and potentially cause mutations during cell replication.

The body's repair mechanism, involving the tumour suppressor protein p53, attempts to fix this damage or initiate apoptosis (cell death) to prevent damaged cells from multiplying. This leads to skin blistering and peeling.

Repeated sunburns, however, overwhelm these repair mechanisms, increasing the likelihood of cancerous mutations.

Short, intense and irregular UV exposure – for example, from annual holidays abroad – is the fastest way to irreparable skin damage.

UVA rays penetrate deeper into the skin tan UVB, causing oxidative stress and the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), indirectly damaging DNA and proteins. This further increases cancer risk and accelerates skin ageing.

Cancer charities such as The Karen Clifford Skin Cancer Charity and Cancer Research UK provide excellent information and guidance for sun safety.

Regular use of SPF, sun safety practices, and avoiding sunbeds can help maintain a healthy balance between the benefits of sun exposure and its potential harms.

To find out more about Dermalogica SPF formulas visit dermalogica.co.uk.

This is a sponsored story in partnership with Dermalogica.



Published 10th Jun 2024

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