Quarter of Brits using out-of-date beauty products

Published 14th Nov 2019
Quarter of Brits using out-of-date beauty products

Almost a quarter of Brits (23%) are using beauty cosmetics on their face that have expired, with a further 17% stating they won’t stop applying them until the product appears “off”, found a new survey by contract packing company We-Pack.

One in six also admitted that they weren’t even aware of the expiry dates for beauty cosmetics, not understanding that old products lose their desired smell, texture and colour, and can cause breakouts and bacterial infections on the skin.  

Just under a fifth of Brits even ignore or simply don’t check the shelf-life dates on products, the report found, which is also dangerous as the effectiveness of items containing SPF or antioxidants can diminish over time. 

Cosmetic companies are obliged to include lifespan dates on products under the EU Cosmetic Regulation. 

Products with a shelf-life of longer than 30 months must include a “period after opening” item on the packaging, while cosmetics with a lifespan of less than 30 months must include a “best before the end of” date. 

Recently, the police have also called for YouTubers to stop using fake make-up items in comparison tutorials because of the health risks they pose.  

Do your clients know about beauty expiry dates? Comment below. 

You’ll never guess what the most hashtagged make-up look is on Instagram right now. 

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 14th Nov 2019

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