75% of consumers more likely to buy new beauty products after trialling samples

Updated on 06th Nov 2024
75% of consumers more likely to buy new beauty products after trialling samples

New research has revealed that people still want to try beauty products before they buy them, which is why you need to be pushing this retail model in your salon or spa as it can be a major factor in landing new clientele.

75% of consumers said they were more likely to buy from a beauty brand they hadn’t heard of before after being given the chance to sample products, a study of 20,000 people by beach tech platform Odore found.

Those taking part in the study were sent product testers to try at home, being asked to indicate what the likelihood was that they would purchase from these respective brands in the next three months. They were also asked if they had prior knowledge of the brands beforehand.

85% said they hadn’t heard of these brands before trialling them for the study but after sampling them, an incredible three quarters said they would purchase from the brands within the next three months – showing the power of being able to touch and play with products.  

Check out our five-point plan which will help you boost your retail sales by 30% or read the industry pros secrets to successfully selling body care in your salon or spa

Armaan Mehta, co-founder at Odore, said: “Despite the switch to online shopping, customers still want to try products. They want to feel them in their hands, test them on their skin, and make sure they’re making the right choice.”

If you’ve missed trying lots of products before you buy them for your salon or spa then you’ll finally get the chance to compare brands all in one place again at Professional Beauty London, taking place on October 17–18, and the Professional Beauty North show in Manchester, taking place on September 26–27.

What do you make of this study? Tell us your thoughts below. 

Did you hear? The skinimalism trend is set to drive global skincare market growth to £130bn by 2025

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 28th Jul 2021

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