Male-only salon opens in Peterborough

Published 20th Apr 2016
Male-only salon opens in Peterborough

A male grooming salon has opened in Peterborough, billed as the first of its kind in the area to treat men exclusively.

The salon offers services including intimate and body waxing – owner Craig Easeman trained at Axiom Wax Academy – Swedish, hot stone and Indian head massage, spray tans and facials. Product houses include Outback Organics and St Tropez.

Groom & Butler was opened to provide professional male grooming services after Easeman noticed an opportunity created by the emerging demand for such services in a male-only space in the beauty industry. 

“More and more guys are spending money on themselves in search of looking and feeling great. Ladies have hairdressers and beauty salons galore, but guys only have traditional barber shops,” said Easeman. “Groom & Butler is like going to the barber but one step further.”

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 20th Apr 2016

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