How to eliminate single-use plastics in your spa

Published 10th Oct 2019
How to eliminate single-use plastics in your spa

As with everything in business, you must start with the why. What are your brand values and how does reducing your plastic usage fall in line with these? 

Most spas have wellness and care at the heart of their ethos, which in my view needs to extend well beyond the treatment room. Change is difficult, so getting your team and core mission aligned with the wider zero-waste conversation will help set you up for success. 

Strive for progress over perfection. Many businesses get disheartened by being unable to commit to total elimination in one fell swoop. Run an inventory of your current single-use plastics and set incremental targets that allow for a steady progress towards eliminating them all together. 

By far the biggest culprit in our industry is packaging so this is the best place to start. There are many suppliers who will now give you recyclable packaging and help educate you on the packaging world. When I opened Uniquely Organic EcoSpa over nine years ago, awareness around the environmental impact of the beauty industry was scarce. Thankfully there’s now an abundance of information at our fingertips. Don’t go this alone, instead use this as an opportunity to join forces with local campaigners and other local ethical businesses who share your commitment for sustainability and change.

 Kirsty Kianifard is founder of Uniquely Organic Ecospa in Hove and a wellnesss business coach. 

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 10th Oct 2019

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