50% increase in spa gift voucher sales predicted this Christmas

Published 04th Nov 2021 by PB Admin
50% increase in spa gift voucher sales predicted this Christmas

A 50% increase in spa gift voucher sales is forecasted this Christmas as consumers look to buy their loved ones more experience-based gifts this festive season – which is fab news for the spa industry post-pandemic. 

Spa booking agency Spa Seekers is predicting that spa gift voucher spend for Christmas 2021 will be in excess of £1 million, with the average amount spent per gift voucher being £170. 

The agency also predicts, based on the data it has, that the second week in December will be the most popular date for selling spa gift vouchers, with a further 7% most likely to be sold on Christmas Eve.

A further 20% of voucher recipients tend to return the favour by buying “return vouchers” on Christmas Day, the report found, which will also help spas to fill up the typically quiet slots in January. 

“Spa Christmas voucher” searches on Google trends have also increased by 100% from as early as September 12 – which is when the schools went back – showing the demand for these experience gifts for Christmas is happening earlier than usual. 

It is worth noting that another report has shown that just under half of spa bookings are now being made outside of the traditional 9–5.

“The post-pandemic demand for wellbeing experience treats has fast forwarded the demand for spa gift voucher sales, which is unprecedented in our almost 30 years of operating in this space,” said Spa Seekers director Jason Goldberg. 

“Our research shows that Christmas sales normally take off from early November but this year it’s a good two months earlier. What’s more, the value of ‘return gifts’ on Christmas Day is interesting and shouldn’t be ignored by spa operators, with this making up a substantial percentage of gift voucher revenue.”

What do you make of this news? Tell us your thoughts below. 

Check out our Christmas marketing strategy guide which reveals four ways to get clients into your spa this festive season. 

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 04th Nov 2021

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