Self-care tips for busy salon owners

Published 30th May 2018
Self-care tips for busy salon owners

Q: My business leaves me with no time to myself. How can I factor in self-care?

As employers and employees who work in the fast-paced beauty industry, we tend to put everyone else first without consideration for ourselves. There can be weeks, even months, where we provide everyone else – clients, staff, family – with all of us, when really, we are only human and need investing in too.

I speak to so many salon and spa owners who aren’t given the opportunity to make time for themselves and are running on empty. As a spa owner, I often overwork and exhaust myself, giving everything I can to clients and staff, with very little left for my family and friends, and most importantly, me. 

Our industry is all consuming – the continual changes, unpredictability of staff, clients and life – we are on call 24/7. Delegation is the key. We know we are masters of juggling many balls at once because we are conditioned to do so; however, it is far more practical to focus on one job at a time, becoming present in the task at hand.

It’s also important that we try to implement mindfulness in our day-to-day routine – even just five minutes of quiet time can bring such clarity. Every morning the team and I sit together and focus on the day ahead, visualising what we want to achieve. I can’t recommend pausing for a while highly enough. 

Sam PearceSam Pearce is owner of the Potting Shed Spa in Batley, West Yorkshire, which has won 23 awards in the past seven years.

Pearce shares her opinion on the current recruitment crisis in her piece – "Where have all the good therapists gone?

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 30th May 2018

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