Summer Spray Tanning 101 with Michaella Bolder & St.Tropez

If you’ve ever wondered how to create the perfect spray tan for your clients, then look no further. Brush up on your summer spray tanning technique with celebrity facialist and St.Tropez skin finishing expert, Michaella Bolder, who shares her tips for creating a personalised tan and the best products for the job.
Choose the right tan formula
“First of all, you want to determine their skin type and skin tone,” says Bolder. “So whether they want a light, medium or dark glow, will determine the house of the product; so a light tan, an express or an extra dark tan.”
“Then it’s all about their skin type: do they have really dried dehydrated skin? If they do, then the darker tans are not for them,” says Bolder. No matter what your client’s skin type, it’s important to remind them to exfoliate properly before their tan and explain that this will improve the appearance of their tan, as well as making it last as long as possible. “An oil-free exfoliator or gloves are best, or upsell St Tropez Prep and Maintain to clients,” says Bolder. “This helps to prime the skin ready for your application.”
Brief and prepare your client
Bolder highlights that not all your clients will know how to prepare for a spray tan, so it’s best to give them some guidelines beforehand. “Give them a quick call beforehand to prepare them,” says Bolder. “This includes not wearing deodorant, body oil or make-up, and wearing loose-fitting clothing. If your client has particularly dry skin, they can moisturise with an oil-free moisturiser beforehand,” she says.
This also includes asking them to follow instructions after their tan, including not wearing a handbag on their shoulder or accidentally splashing their body with water as their tan develops. By giving clear instructions you can guarantee a great finish.
Invest in a clear formula
St Tropez’s Purity Vitamins range is now in a professional product, which opens up a whole host of opportunities for you and your clients. “The reason it is different to the others is that it’s clear and non-transfer,” says Bolder. This means your client could come into your salon in a white outfit without the worry of tan transferring. “It leaves the skin with a beautiful, irridescent glow, which is fantastic for the therapist as they can see where the tan is applied and the technology means the dry-down time is almost zero.” The formula also contains vitamin C, vitamin D boosters and hyaluronic acid to hydrate and boost the skin’s health.
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Read Michaella Bolder's guide to preparing your spray tanning kit for reopening post-coronavirus