Weight gain and bleeding top menopause concerns

Published 01st Aug 2022 by PB Admin
Weight gain and bleeding top menopause concerns

New data has found that the most searched for concern relating to menopause is weight gain, amassing over 308,000 annual searches.

The research, by Clarins Beauty Daily, analysed Google data to find out what UK women are searching for the most when it comes to menopause concerns and how this can best inform beauty, wellness and health brands as the majority feel underrepresented by the industry.

Post-menopause bleeding is the second most common menopause concern with a total of 244,320 searches  suggesting that there needs to be more awareness surrounding this. Whilst post-menopause bleeding can be caused by changes in hormone levels, according to the NHS, women who experience any post-menopause bleeding should get checked by their GP. 

Following post-menopause bleeding, joint pain is the  third most searched for menopause symptom in the UK with 143,520 searches. ‘menopause joint pain’ is the leading search query within this category, followed by ‘can menopause cause joint pain’ revealing that many Brits are unaware that the menopause can also impact the joints. 

The UK's top 10 menopause concerns:

Search Term Yearly searches
Weight gain 308,160
Post-menopause bleeding 244,320
Joint pain 143,520
Hot flashes 131,280
Breast pain 125,880
Hair loss 112,560
Headaches 92,400
Bloating 79,440
Perimenopause period changes 76,440
Itchy skin 73,440
When looking at what symptoms Brits are searching  for on Google from the NHS specifically, ‘menopause weight gain NHS’ leads the way with 7,080 yearly searches followed by acne NHS related searches at 5,880. Other common NHS searches include a sore clitoris area (5,760), hair loss (4,800) and itchy skin (3,840).

In terms of remedies, and things to alleviate symptoms, Brits are searching for the best menopause supplements a total of 165,240 times a year, with ‘best lubricant’ menopause related queries following behind at 41,040 searches and menopausal skincare remedies (such as moisurisers and face creams) being searched 17,520 times.

Specialist menopause nutritionist Emma Bardwell states, “With the correct evidence based information, menopause can be a time of immense growth. However, many women are suffering debilitating symptoms. The more we talk and share and join the dots, the better able we are to navigate this remarkable transition.”

Which concerns have your clients vocalised? Let us know in the comments...

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 01st Aug 2022

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