How to join in World Wellness Weekend

The World Welless Weekend commences on Saturday 19 September and the new website features a whole host of new features to help your business and clients put their wellness first.
How to join the World Wellness Weekend
1. Wellness by yourself
Sign up and appear on the World Wellness Map even if you simply do yoga at home, practice fitness watching a video, run around your block or cook a healthy meal. Post some cool photos and share on social media with: #WorldWellnessWeekend #WellnessByAll #WellnessForAll #WellnessAtHome.
2. Wellness by all
Inspire and empower your family, friends, colleagues, and wellness enthusiasts in your city, to be more active on September 19-20.
Sign up, and share your World Wellness Weekend profile with them, so they can join you to walk or run, bring their yoga mat to practice with you in a park, safely 6-feet apart (in respect with health regulations in your city).
3. Join an event near you
Locate on the Wellness Map an event near you (organized by a venue or another wellness enthusiast) and contact the venue or person to book your place.
Running from September 19-20, the new World Wellness Weekend website will be available in 11 different languages (including Arabic, Russian, Greek, Hindi and Thai) and has the following new features:
A World Wellness Map
A "one-click geo-locator" helps you to find wellness professionals near you, wherever you are in the world. Users can enter the name of a city in any language (eg. London, Londres, or Londra are all recognised) or click ‘locate me’ to find the closest registered venues to them.
A Wellness Pledge
Website visitors can take the Wellness Pledge to positively impact their wellbeing. Decide on your personal wellness objective such as becoming more active more often, being able to be more flexible to prevent back pain or manage stress better.
Then, with support of a ‘wellness buddy’, participants are encouraged to put some money into a ‘wellness jar’ or piggy bank each week. On World Wellness Weekend (19-20 Sept) they can celebrate the achievement of their personal goal, see how much money you have put aside, and decide to donate it to a local charity or an NGO of your choice.
Online Registration
The 50 Ambassadors of World Wellness Weekend have worked tirelessly to translate, so that venues in their cities and countries can register online in their language to showcase their activities for locals. Plus, translations are available for some or all of their activates in other languages, so they can inform international guests.
Wellness Content Year-round
The Blog section of the website features tips from experts around the world and registered venues, including information of the five pillars of wellness (Sleep, Nutrition, Vitality, Serenity, Solidarity) and soon video sessions. Plus, registered venues can organise free activities for participants to enjoy, with special wellness events soon to be announced.
Users can call or email venues directly, and share a venue’s page on social platforms to encourage wellness buddies to tag along.
World Wellness Weekend
Get ready for the World Wellness Weekend on September 19 & 20 by registering your venue (this video tells you how to register) and this countdown to the World Wellness Weekend will show you exactly how you can prepare, month by month.
Watch the World Wellness Weekend’s video to find out more and visit the new website at World Wellness Weekend.
The World Welless Weekend commences on Saturday 19 September and the new website features a whole host of new features to help your business and clients put their wellness first.
How to join the World Wellness Weekend
1. Wellness by yourself
Sign up and appear on the World Wellness Map even if you simply do yoga at home, practice fitness watching a video, run around your block or cook a healthy meal. Post some cool photos and share on social media with: #WorldWellnessWeekend #WellnessByAll #WellnessForAll #WellnessAtHome.
2. Wellness by all
Inspire and empower your family, friends, colleagues, and wellness enthusiasts in your city, to be more active on September 19-20.
Sign up, and share your World Wellness Weekend profile with them, so they can join you to walk or run, bring their yoga mat to practice with you in a park, safely 6-feet apart (in respect with health regulations in your city).
3. Join an event near you
Locate on the Wellness Map an event near you (organized by a venue or another wellness enthusiast) and contact the venue or person to book your place.
Running from September 19-20, the new World Wellness Weekend website will be available in 11 different languages (including Arabic, Russian, Greek, Hindi and Thai) and has the following new features:
A World Wellness Map
A "one-click geo-locator" helps you to find wellness professionals near you, wherever you are in the world. Users can enter the name of a city in any language (eg. London, Londres, or Londra are all recognised) or click ‘locate me’ to find the closest registered venues to them.
A Wellness Pledge
Website visitors can take the Wellness Pledge to positively impact their wellbeing. Decide on your personal wellness objective such as becoming more active more often, being able to be more flexible to prevent back pain or manage stress better.
Then, with support of a ‘wellness buddy’, participants are encouraged to put some money into a ‘wellness jar’ or piggy bank each week. On World Wellness Weekend (19-20 Sept) they can celebrate the achievement of their personal goal, see how much money you have put aside, and decide to donate it to a local charity or an NGO of your choice.
Online Registration
The 50 Ambassadors of World Wellness Weekend have worked tirelessly to translate, so that venues in their cities and countries can register online in their language to showcase their activities for locals. Plus, translations are available for some or all of their activates in other languages, so they can inform international guests.
Wellness Content Year-round
The Blog section of the website features tips from experts around the world and registered venues, including information of the five pillars of wellness (Sleep, Nutrition, Vitality, Serenity, Solidarity) and soon video sessions. Plus, registered venues can organise free activities for participants to enjoy, with special wellness events soon to be announced.
Users can call or email venues directly, and share a venue’s page on social platforms to encourage wellness buddies to tag along.
World Wellness Weekend
Get ready for the World Wellness Weekend on September 19 & 20 by registering your venue (this video tells you how to register) and this countdown to the World Wellness Weekend will show you exactly how you can prepare, month by month.
Watch the World Wellness Weekend’s video to find out more and visit the new website at World Wellness Weekend.
The World Welless Weekend commences on Saturday 19 September and the new website features a whole host of new features to help your business and clients put their wellness first.
How to join the World Wellness Weekend
1. Wellness by yourself
Sign up and appear on the World Wellness Map even if you simply do yoga at home, practice fitness watching a video, run around your block or cook a healthy meal. Post some cool photos and share on social media with: #WorldWellnessWeekend #WellnessByAll #WellnessForAll #WellnessAtHome.
2. Wellness by all
Inspire and empower your family, friends, colleagues, and wellness enthusiasts in your city, to be more active on September 19-20.
Sign up, and share your World Wellness Weekend profile with them, so they can join you to walk or run, bring their yoga mat to practice with you in a park, safely 6-feet apart (in respect with health regulations in your city).
3. Join an event near you
Locate on the Wellness Map an event near you (organized by a venue or another wellness enthusiast) and contact the venue or person to book your place.
Running from September 19-20, the new World Wellness Weekend website will be available in 11 different languages (including Arabic, Russian, Greek, Hindi and Thai) and has the following new features:
A World Wellness Map
A "one-click geo-locator" helps you to find wellness professionals near you, wherever you are in the world. Users can enter the name of a city in any language (eg. London, Londres, or Londra are all recognised) or click ‘locate me’ to find the closest registered venues to them.
A Wellness Pledge
Website visitors can take the Wellness Pledge to positively impact their wellbeing. Decide on your personal wellness objective such as becoming more active more often, being able to be more flexible to prevent back pain or manage stress better.
Then, with support of a ‘wellness buddy’, participants are encouraged to put some money into a ‘wellness jar’ or piggy bank each week. On World Wellness Weekend (19-20 Sept) they can celebrate the achievement of their personal goal, see how much money you have put aside, and decide to donate it to a local charity or an NGO of your choice.
Online Registration
The 50 Ambassadors of World Wellness Weekend have worked tirelessly to translate, so that venues in their cities and countries can register online in their language to showcase their activities for locals. Plus, translations are available for some or all of their activates in other languages, so they can inform international guests.
Wellness Content Year-round
The Blog section of the website features tips from experts around the world and registered venues, including information of the five pillars of wellness (Sleep, Nutrition, Vitality, Serenity, Solidarity) and soon video sessions. Plus, registered venues can organise free activities for participants to enjoy, with special wellness events soon to be announced.
Users can call or email venues directly, and share a venue’s page on social platforms to encourage wellness buddies to tag along.
World Wellness Weekend
Get ready for the World Wellness Weekend on September 19 & 20 by registering your venue (this video tells you how to register) and this countdown to the World Wellness Weekend will show you exactly how you can prepare, month by month.