Is laser hair removal a safe procedure for summer?

Published 24th Jun 2024 by PB Admin

Laser hair removal has established a bit of a bad reputation as being an absolute no-go for clients looking for safe hair removal methods in summer months.

But with modern technology advancements and the right aftercare the procedure can be a hassle-free, long-lasting solution for clients looking to stay hair free during the busy holiday months.

Helen Quayle, founder and owner of LaserHQ, shares expert insight into how laser hair removal can be safely and effectively performed year-round, including during the warmer months.

Is laser hair removal safe in the summer?

With the right equipment, laser hair removal can be safe for clients even in the summer.

Quayle says, “Advancements in laser technology have significantly improved the safety and effectiveness of treatments, even as temperatures rise and sun exposure increases.

“The Elysion Pro device we use at LaserHQ is a state-of-the-art diode laser hair removal device equipped with sun-safe modes, making it possible for clients to continue their hair removal treatments all year round.”

Equipped with Crystal Freeze technology, the Elysion Pro guarantees skin protection at any treatment speed and maximum comfort during laser hair removal procedures, with the crystal maintaining a constant temperature of 5℃ throughout the entire treatment.

Quayle adds, “In addition to Elysion Pro’s Crystal Freeze technology, we also use special cooling packs at LaserHQ before and after treatments to keep the epidermis as cool as possible. This enables our customers to continue their hair removal treatments without interruption, even as they prepare for summer holidays and outings to the beach.”

Quayle advises clinicians to proceed with caution and check the small print on their devices before making any claims.

“Not all laser hair removal devices are manufactured with the same technology as the Elysion Pro,” she explains.

“I strongly urge all clinicians to check their equipment before advising clients it is safe to continue treatments during the summer months. If it’s unclear, reach out to your supplier and specifically ask for clarity.”

Does warmer weather impact the results of hair removal treatments?

Have you heard the saying that hair grows faster during the summer months and wondered if this is factually correct or an old wives’ tale?

Quayle sets the record straight, saying, “Despite many claims that hair grows more quickly during the summer months there is no strong scientific evidence to back this claim.

“What we do know is that warmer temperatures can increase blood flow to the hair follicle. Exposure to sunlight also helps the body produce more vitamin D from cholesterol in the skin cells. The combination of both can in turn stimulate hair growth in some individuals.”

Warmer weather does not significantly impact the results of any form of hair removal including laser treatments.

Quayle continues, “There are so many factors that impact hair growth from hormones and genetics to diet, so weather alone won’t be the single contributing factor as to whether clients experience quicker hair growth whatever their chosen method of hair removal is.

“More clement weather and warmer conditions shouldn’t impact the results of laser hair removal as long as proper precautions are taken.

“It is crucial to avoid direct sun exposure on the treated areas both before and after sessions to prevent skin damage and ensure the laser targets the hair follicles effectively.

“By using our specialised LaserHQ precooling ice packs, alongside the sun-safe modes on the Elysion Pro allows for adjustments in treatment settings, accommodating for any sun exposure and maintaining safety and effectiveness.”

Laser hair removal aftercare education

Education on aftercare is a critical component of laser hair removal any time of the year but particularly in the summer months.

In Quayle’s opinion it’s just as critical a part of the treatment process as the procedure itself.

“Regardless of the time of year, we emphasise to all customers the importance of before and aftercare.

“We advise all clients to avoid full sunlight, use a strong SPF, and apply pure aloe vera gel post treatment.

“We also stock a range of products that help with skin care during the summer months, including SPF and self-tan products for a sun-safe glow.”

This year, LaserHQ is taking its education efforts even further by debunking myths around laser hair removal and emphasising the convenience and long-term benefits.

“We focus on the message that starting laser hair removal in the spring and early summer months of April, May and June means being hair-free by the holidays, saving time and hassle during the busy summer season.”

Aftercare advice for laser hair removal

Proper aftercare is essential to achieving the best results and maintaining skin health following laser hair removal, especially during the summer. Quayle provides the following tips to all clients during and post treatment:

  1. Avoid sun exposure: Keep treated areas out of direct sunlight for at least a week before and after treatment sessions. Use a high SPF sunscreen (ideally factor 50) if you need to be outdoors.

  2. Use cooling products: Apply pure aloe vera gel to soothe the skin post-treatment. LaserHQ stocks a range of its own pure aloe vera products for customers to continue their aftercare at home, and ice packs can also be applied post-treatment to help cool and soothe skin.

  3. Hydrate: Keep skin hydrated by drinking plenty of water and using moisturisers that do not clog pores. Quayle also recommends that other than application of an SPF, clients come to their appointments without make up, moisturisers and serums and wait 48 hours post procedure before applying any products to their skin to minimise irritation.

  4. Avoid hot showers and strenuous exercise: For at least 48 hours post-treatment, avoid activities that cause excessive sweating and heat, such as hot showers, baths, and intense workouts.

  5. Wear loose clothing: Opt for loose-fitting clothes to avoid friction on the treated areas, which can cause irritation.

Quayle concludes, “LaserHQ’s commitment to exceptional customer service and advanced technology ensures that clients can confidently undergo laser hair removal treatments even during the summer months.

“By leveraging the Elysion Pro and adhering to rigorous aftercare protocols, we help our clients achieve smooth, hair-free skin safely and effectively, no matter the season.”

For more information on Sinclair’s Elysion Pro Diode Laser Hair Removal device, visit or email the team at [email protected]

This is a sponsored story in partnership with Sinclair.

Helen Quayle is the founder and owner of LaserHQ, which has clinics in Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle and Liverpool. Founded in 2017, LaserHQ specialises in laser hair removal and laser tattoo removal and trains its team on LBTQG+, PCOS and hormone health, skin cancer and domestic violence awareness.

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 24th Jun 2024

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