PB Webinars: perfecting your salon's customer journey and dealing with client no-shows

Published 03rd Oct 2020 by PB Admin
PB Webinars: perfecting your salon's customer journey and dealing with client no-shows

This week’s PB Webinar line-up (October 5–11) is focused on making the customer journey as seamless and successful as possible.

Monday’s session will cover the 10 steps you need to follow to launch and maintain a successful waxing salon, Wednesday will cover the key ingredients to a five-star customer service, and Thursday’s session will give advice on dealing with no-shows during the coronavirus pandemic. 

What to expect from this week’s PB Webinar line-up (October 5–11):


Monday 5 October – 11am – Live webinar with Marta Zaczkowska – “10 steps for building a successful waxing business”

Want to know how to start a waxing salon and turn it into a successful business? Marta Zaczkowska, owner of Waxing Specialist Ltd and founder of Waxing Specialist Academy, gives us the lowdown on the 10 steps that will turn your salon into a profitable business, which will get clients coming back time and time again. There will also be a 15-minute audience Q&A at the end. 


Wednesday 7 October – 2:30pm – Live webinar with Nergish – "How to create a five-star customer service”

In this joint Professional Beauty and Hairdressers’ Journal webinar, Nergish Wadia-Austin, creator of the PHAB Service Stars, will explain how beauty therapists and hairdressers can deliver a five-star service to customers. She'll be sharing the steps you can take today as well as what you'll need to consider in the long-term if you want clients to be raving about your business for years to come. There will be a 15-minute audience Q&A at the end. 


Thursday 8 October – 2pm – Live webinar with Maria Mason – “How to deal with client no-shows during coronavirus”

Maria Mason, owner of Beauty Time salon in Cleeve and vice president of the International Federation of Health & Beauty Therapists, will discuss the issue of how best to manage client no-shows during the coronavirus pandemic – as a bricks and mortar salon or a mobile/home-based therapist, and exactly how you will need to adjust your policies. There will be a 15-minute audience Q&A at the end.


Sign up to these webinars now


For every PB Webinar you attend, you will receive 1 CPD hour from VTCT – find out how to claim your points.  

Who would you love to see on one of our PB Webinars? Comment below and we will try our best to make it happen.  

PB Admin

PB Admin

Published 03rd Oct 2020

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