Body image named theme of Mental Health Awareness Week

Body image will be the theme for next month's Mental Health Awareness Week 2019, which runs from Monday 13 to Sunday 19 May 2019.
The title "Body Image – how we think and feel about our bodies" was chosen by charity Mental Health Foundation, which organises the campaign, to reflect the fact that body issues can affect people of all backgrounds and ages.
During the week, the charity will publish new research into the reasons body image can impact mood, as well as sharing practical advice and pushing for change.
The theme will resonate with the wider beauty industry as it echoes several recent campaigns launched by both operators and brands to highlight the importance of inclusivity when if comes to body shape and appearance.
In March, day spa chain Spa Experience by Better launched a campaign to promote its facilities, featuring real clients. At the time, the group's national spa and fitness class manager Melissa Evans said, “At Spa Experience we want to promote mental as well as physical health and wellness and the anxieties around body image are well documented."
Professional brands have also joined the movement against body shaming. HD Brows launched the Love Yourself. More campaign in March, pledging not to retouch or edit any photos of the models it uses.
St Tropez also launched a body positivity campaign in April. Called You Set the Tone, which the brand's product development director Jacqueline Burchell said "sets out to raise confidence, highlight body-positive messages and empower women of all ages", after St Tropez's own research showed a third of women feel judged for using fake tan, but won't stop because it boosts their confidence.
Read more on mental health:
The Essentials Beauty Salon is hosting a mental health awareness coffee morning for clients
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